What is 15 Percent of 15?

15 percent of 15 can be calculated by converting the percentage to a decimal. To convert 15 percent to a decimal, simply divide it by 100. 15 divided by 100 is equal to 0.15. Multiplying 0.15 by 15 gives the answer of 2.25 as the result of what 15 percent of 15 represents.

In order to calculate other percentages using this formula, simply substitute the numbers into the equation and solve for the answer. For example, if you wanted to know what 20 percent of 30 was, you would divide 20 by 100 to get 0.20 and then multiply 0.20 by 30 to get 6 as the answer for 20 percent of 30.

It is important to remember that percentages are based on a whole number and that they can also be converted into fractions or decimals depending on what is needed for a particular problem or question. When converting a percentage into a fraction, simply place the number value over 100 and reduce if necessary; when converting it into a decimal, divide it by 100. Knowing how to do these conversions can help make solving problems involving percentages much simpler and easier!