What is 60 Percent of 60?

60 percent of 60 is 36. To work this out, you need to know how to calculate percentages. A percentage is a fraction expressed as a number out of 100. To calculate the percentage of a given number, you need to multiply the number by the fraction for the percentage. In this case, the fraction would be 0.6 (60 percent expressed as a decimal) multiplied by 60, which will give you 36 as an answer.

Another way to calculate 60 percent of 60 is to use long division. First, divide 60 by 100 and then multiply the answer by the percentage that you want (in this case it’s 60). This will give you the same answer of 36.

You can also use a calculator to work out what 60 percent of 60 is. All you need to do is enter “60 x 0.6 =” into your calculator and it will give you an answer of 36.