What is 60% of 30?

60% of 30 can be calculated by multiplying the two numbers. 60% can be written as 0.6, so the equation would be 0.6 x 30. When these two numbers are multiplied, the result is 18. Therefore, 60% of 30 is equal to 18.

When using percentages, it is important to remember that the percentage needs to be converted into a decimal before being used in any calculations. In this case, 60% was converted into 0.6 in order to facilitate the calculation.

It can also be helpful to break down percentages into fractions before solving problems. In this case, 60% could have been written as 3/5 before being multiplied by 30. The result would again have been 18 because 3/5 x 30 = 18.

To quickly calculate percentages without needing a calculator, it can be helpful to use mental math tricks and shortcuts. For example, when calculating 10%, you can simply move the decimal point one space to the left and add a percent sign (e.g., .4 becomes 40%). This trick may not always work accurately for more complex problems such as this one, but it is still useful for simpler calculations involving percentages and decimals.