Volt Conversion

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Volt Calculator


Volt Converter

Volt conversion calculator – convert different voltage units.

nV, µV, mV, V and kV conversion calculator.

Volt Definition

Voltage is a measurement of electromotive force and the electrical potential difference between two points of a conductor.

One volt is equal to the potential difference that would move one ampere of current against one ohm of resistance. The connection between Volt Amper and Ohm is called Ohms law.

Voltage Unit Conversion Table

Here you have voltage unit conversion table or chart where you can quickly see a conversion between different voltage units.

Convert From
1 nanovolt =
1 microvolt =
1 millivolt =
1 volt =
1 kilovolt =
1 megavolt =
1 gigavolt =
1 statvolt =
1 abvolt =
1 nV
1,000 nV
1,000,000 nV
1,000,000,000 nV
1,000,000,000,000 nV
1,000,000,000,000,000 nV
1,000,000,000,000,000,000 nV
299,792,458,000 nV
10 nV
0.001 µV
1 µV
1,000 µV
1,000,000 µV
1,000,000,000 µV
1,000,000,000,000 µV
1,000,000,000,000,000 µV
299,792,458 µV
0.01 µV
0.000001 mV
0.001 mV
1 mV
1,000 mV
1,000,000 mV
1,000,000,000 mV
1,000,000,000,000 mV
299,792 mV
0.00001 mV
0.000000001 V
0.000001 V
0.001 V
1 V
1,000 V
1,000,000 V
1,000,000,000 V
299.792458 V
0.00000001 V