Power Conversion

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Power Converter

Power conversion calculator – convert different power units.

mW, W, kW, MW, GW, dBm, dBW, hp(I), hp(E) adn BTU/hr conversion calculator.

What is a watt?


Watt is a basic SI unit of power and it is equal to one joule per second.

1 watt = 1 joules / second

1 W = 1 * J / s =

1 * N * m / s =

1 * kg * m² / s³ in basic SI units

Watt can also be defined in terms of electromagnetism:

1 watt = 1 ampere * 1 volt

SI Unit Watt

The most common ones are the SI unit watt and its most frequently used multiples:

  • milliwatts (mW)
  • watts (W)
  • kilowatts (kW)
  • megawatts (MW)
  • gigawatts (GW)

There are other power units, including horsepowers:

  • British thermal units per hour (Btu/h, sometimes known as Btu or BTU)
  • mechanical horsepowers (hp(l))
  • electric horsepowers (hp(E))

Power Conversions

The formulas implemented in power converter to change between any from popular power units into watts look as follows:

  • 1 milliwatt [mW] = 0.001 watt [W] = 10⁻³ watt [W]
  • 1 kilowatt [kW] = 1000 watt [W] = 10³ watt [W]
  • 1 megawatt [MW] = 1000000 watt [W] = 10⁶ watt [W]
  • 1 gigawatt [GW] = 1000000000 watt [W] = 10⁹ watt [W]
  • 1 Btu/hour [Btu/h] = 0.293071 watt [W]
  • 1 mechanical horsepower [hp(l)] = 745.6998715823 watt [W]
  • 1 electric horsepower [hp(E)] = 746 watt [W]