Celsius to Fahrenheit Calculation (C to F)
Celsius to Fahrenheit calculation, or c to f, is done by using following formula:
T°F = (T°C x (9/5)) + 32
Where each of the variables are:
- T°F = temperature in Fahrenheit
- T°C = temperature in Celsius
Celsius °C to Fahrenheit °F
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Other Celsius to Fahrenheit Caculations
What is Celsius to Fahrenheit
Celsius to Fahrenheit is conversion of temperature unit Celsius to temperature unit Fahrenheit. It is conversion of Celsius temperature value that is used in majority continents in a world into Fahrenheit which is used mostly in North America.
If you take 1 celsius and convert it to fahrenheit you will see that the difference is by 33.8 because there is formula that defines the conversion.
Celsius to fahrenheit is mostly used in countries that use fahrenheit as standard temperature scale, but celsius scale is more used in world than fahrenheit.
What is Celsius in Fahrenheit
When you want to convert Celsius in Fahrenheit you have simply formula that gives you C to F conversion.
T°F = (T°C x (9/5)) + 32
You simply enter temperature in celsius to get temperature in Fahrenheit.Â
Celsius °C Definition
Celsius °C is the temperature unit that defines how the certain item, fluid or anything else that changes temperature, is hot or cold.
Temperature is shown in the Celsius or centigrade scale which is the same scale. Celsius or centigrade is the same.
Centigrade is part of two words, centum and gradus:
- Centum – 100
- Gradus – steps

Anders Celsius: Image source: Wikipedia
Who is Celsius Named After
Celsius is named after Anders Celsius who was a Swedish astronomer.
He used a reversed scale for the temperature where boiling temperature was at 0 °C and freezing was at 100 °C. But, at the time he was working on this scale that was not so important.
Later, Jean-Pierre Christin created Celsius scale as we know today where freezing temperature was at 0 °C, and boiling temperature was at 100 °C.
Steps to Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit
T°F = (T°C x (9/5)) + 32
Where each of the variables are:
- T°F = temperature in Fahrenheit
- T°C = temperature in Celsius
Steps to convert °C Celsius to °F Fahrenheit are:
- Step #1 – define desired celsius °C value you want to convert
- for example: 5°C
- Step #2 – divide 9/5
- 9 / 5 = 1,8
- Step #3 – multiply °C celsius value with result in step #2
- 5°C x 1,8 = 9
- Step #4 – add 32 to the result from the step #3
- 32 + 9 = 41°F
Celsius to Fahrenheit Formula
The freezing and boiling point of water in Fahrenheit is
- freezing point of water in Fahrenheit – 32°F
- boiling point of water in Fahrenheit – 212°F
There is a difference of:
- 212 – 32 = 180°F
The freezing and boiling point of water in Celsius is
- freezing point of water in Celsius – 0°C
- boiling point of water in Celsius – 100°C.
There is a difference of
- 100 – 0 = 100°C
Water freezes at 0°C and 32°F, so the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales start with different points
- Celsius – 0
- Fahrenheit – 32
To put them into a formula we need to add/subtract 32 to make both sides equal.
So, at freezing point of water the equation formed is
- °F = °C + 32
Waiter boiling point is at:
- Celsius – 100 degrees
- Fahrenheit – 212
Here, the scale of a temperature rise is at a different rate (100 vs 180). We need to change the above C to F formula with a certain rate.
The ratio of change from C to F is 180/100 or 9/5.
Is Celsius Better Than Fahrenheit
This depends on your preferences and what you like to use.
I would say that Celsius is better than Fahrenheit because the Celsius scale uses round numbers for boiling and freezing point of water that are easy to remember compared to Fahrenheit scale that do not have easy numbers to remember.
If you use Celsius then you will know that 0 °C is the freezing point and 100 °C is the boiling temperature of water.
- 0 °C freezing temperature
- 100 °C boiling temperature
If you use Fahrenheit then you will need to use 32 °F as freezing point and 212 °F as a boiling temperature of water.
- 32 °F freezing temperature
- 212 °F boiling temperature
Is Fahrenheit Colder than Celsius
Fahrenheit at -40°F °is the same as -40°C so we can say that at some temperature fahrenheit is cold same as celsius.
But, if you take one temperature like 0°C that will be same as 32°F.Â
So, if you take freezing temperature and that is 0°C you will have freezing point on 32°F.
If you go to 0°F then you will have -17.78°C which is colder.
Which Countries are Using Celsius
If you check Europe you will see that almost whole continent is using Celsius. If you check Africa you will find similar result.
If you check South America you will find similar result.
If you check Asia you will find similar result and that is the Celsius is standard scale for temperature measurement.