What is 30% of 600?

The answer to this question is to find 30% of 600. To calculate this, divide 600 by 100 and multiply the answer by 30. This gives us a total of 180, which is 30% of 600.

It’s important to understand how to calculate percentages, as they are often used in everyday life. For example, when shopping for items online or in stores, the price may be discounted by a certain percentage. Knowing how to calculate the percentage can help you save money by getting the best deal possible.

Percentages can also be used in other areas such as measuring progress towards a goal or understanding what amount of an overall total a certain figure makes up. For instance, if you have an exam that has 10 questions and you get 8 correct, then you can calculate what percentage that is and use it to measure your performance compared to others who took the same exam.

In conclusion, understanding how to calculate percentages can be very helpful in many aspects of everyday life. It can help you save money when making purchases and measure progress towards goals or understand what proportion of an overall total a certain figure makes up.