What is 30% of 20?

30% of 20 is equal to 6. To calculate 30% of a number, multiply the number by 0.3. In this case, we multiply 20 by 0.3 to get 6. Another way to calculate 30% of a number is to divide the number by 10 and then multiply it by 3. In this case, we divide 20 by 10 and then multiply it by 3 to get 6 again.

It is also important to be able to recognize that 30% is the same as 0.3 or 3/10, which can be helpful in solving more complex problems involving percentages and fractions. For example, if you wanted to find what 20% of 40 is, you could take 0.2 or 2/10 and multiply it by 40, which would give you 8 as the answer again.