What is 75 as a Percent of 300?
To find out what 75 is as a percent of 300, we need to divide 75 by 300. This gives us 0.25 or 25%. Therefore, 75 as a percent of 300 is 25%.
In order to understand this better, let’s look at it another way. If we multiply 25% by 300, then it equals 75. We can also express this same calculation using fractions: 300 x (25/100) = 75.
It’s important to note that when we’re talking about percentages, the word of is optional. We could have asked “What is 75% 300?” and still received the same answer – 25%.
Knowing percentages can be very useful in many different contexts. For example, if you wanted to calculate how much sales tax you need to pay on an item that costs $75, you would simply multiply 0.25 by $75 and know that the sales tax would be $18.75 (or 18 and ¾ cents).