What is 60 as a Percentage of 90?
Calculating percentages can be tricky, but with a few simple steps you can quickly figure out what 60 is as a percentage of 90. The first step is to divide the two numbers: 60 divided by 90. This results in 0.667. To convert this into a percentage, we simply multiply it by 100: 0.667 multiplied by 100 equals 66.7%. Therefore, 60 is 66.7% of 90.
It’s important to remember that percentages are always out of 100, so when you’re dealing with two different numbers like this you’ll need to convert them into their equivalent out of 100 before you can calculate the percentage between them. Additionally, when calculating percentages it’s best to use decimals instead of fractions or mixed numbers (such as 3 1/2).
To make sure you’re getting the correct answer it’s always helpful to double check your work with an online calculator or a calculator app on your phone. This way you can be sure that your answer is accurate and that you don’t have any errors in your calculations. Knowing how to calculate percentages correctly can be very useful in many everyday situations, such as calculating tips at restaurants or figuring out how much money you’ll save when shopping for items on sale.